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Lee Trundle 5:55 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
I think it's a little wrong to highlight his cup failings (which others have suggested earlier on this thread) with us as a reason why he's going to be crap for England though. It's not like he's going to deliberately field weakened teams for England now, is it?

I'm very much a part time England supporter, so if I don't hear much from him in the next 2 years, which is unlikely, and we qualify and do alright in Russia, then the appointment might be a little more palatable, for me anyways.

Ronald_antly 5:54 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
Johnson wrote...

"Bilic has done an amazing job taking a team who'd failed to win in 19 or their previous 22 and get them miles above where the so proclaimed genius got us. "

You appear to be confusing 'team' with 'club'.

Bilic's West Ham teams have notable differences to Allardyce's, as per my previous post.

Ronald_antly 5:51 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
Mad Dog wrote...

"But hold on look what a real manager did in 1 season."

Whatever the merits of the respective managers' football style/ethos, to be fair, Bilic built on what Allardyce left behind.
He also had a better squad provided for him by the Acquisition Team

Johnson 5:42 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
No it isn't. That was a good move though, top WHOing.

But with England he's exposed, nothing to hide behind so he'll either succeed or he'll bomb and get chucked on the Woy scrap heap.

I have to want him to do well as an England fan which grates.

Lee Trundle 5:40 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
:-) it's pretty impossible to have any sort of rational discussion on Allardyce on here, so i just having a little fun.

I don't agree with it all, by the way.

Johnson 5:36 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
Well played Trundle.

Bilic being gracious doesn't mean we should all go by it.

Otherwise we should all go by what he said about Upton Park vs the OS, which goes against the club spin. And we can't have that.

Lee Trundle 5:21 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
Sorry jfk, I failed to mention that those aren't my thoughts, but the thoughts of Bilic himself. It kinda backs up what faceman was suggesting though.



Johnson 5:20 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
His third and fifth paragraphs are factual.

The rest is wind up, got to be. Trunds can be a bit of a happy clapper sometimes though so who knows.

jfk 5:18 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
Lee trundle

He is one of the most famous and longest-serving managers
Done an amazing job????

Absolute bollocks

Johnson 5:08 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
Funny how the fans and the board didn't think he could take us any further though.

England may be the making of the man, I'm sceptical.

He didn't do an amazing job mind, Bilic has done an amazing job taking a team who'd failed to win in 19 or their previous 22 and get them miles above where the so proclaimed genius got us.

Lee Trundle 5:00 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
We should appreciate Allardyce because he’s done great for West Ham.

He is one of the most famous and longest-serving managers, he has been around for 20 years and has been a very successful, very charismatic one.

He took West Ham in a moment when we were in the Championship and got us back straight away and stabilised the club in the Premier League.

He’s done an amazing job with the club and the fans and everyone connected with the club should appreciate that.

He left Bilic an organised training ground, staff, players and he made his job a little bit easier and Bilic appreciates that.

jfk 4:49 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
So let's have it right. Slven Bilic was attracted to manage West Ham United after BFS departure and the legacy he was gifted with.???

You really do talk utter shit.

Johnson 4:32 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
He slagged of the England set up after getting rejected and in his autobiography.

He didn't think he'd get it see.

The cunt has no shame though and the FA are thick.

J.Riddle 4:23 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
I just think he was desperate to get it on his cv that he managed the England team. He always said he should be manager at Real Madrid with the players available. Now he has the best the country has to offer. Expect plenty of 0-0 boring crap, long ball play safe lone striker hoof. He plays not to lose always and will scrape many 1-0s. He will lose quite a lot of 0-1s also as it is a dangerous game to play. We will be unlucky with the narrow defeats as always.

We will be average from an average manager and boring like never before. He can never change. But he can say he was England Manager and you can't go much higher in his mind so he will be happy.

Johnson 4:06 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
I'm not begrudging what he left behind but with OAF it really is lowest common denominator stuff.

That triggers bouts of poor form and terrible consecutive performances. This may be acceptable if the manager acknowledges it but the OAF never.

We were playing SHIT, despite winning, until that night at Peterborough when we turned (I was there, it was a turn) and after slagging us by coincidence his teams started playing with more freedom.

Once the league position and his was enough (playoffs) we're back to lowest common denominator again.

He never wants to win owt, he just doesn't want to lose.

That won't work at the national level unless he lets the players do what they want to do.

:^) 3:19 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
jfk 3:07 Sat Jul 23

Got us promoted, had three midtable finishes, left us in Europe attracting a level of manager we haven't seen for decades that everyone is happy with...

and I talk shit?

If he was even a close to the shit you lot spout we wouldn't be better off since he came here would we? Or are you going to begrudgingly admit he did what was asked of him here, like that is an argument against him being England manager?

Johnson 3:08 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
That league was the SECOND DIVISION by the way in case we forgot that.

jfk 3:07 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
Face he made a name for himself at Bolton,he's tactics ultimately was for he's players to kick the fuck out of any opposition.

You talk shit.

Johnson 3:07 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
I remember going through what I think is our worst ever run of home points gained whilst we were top of a league we were buying our way out of.

I also remember the fat cunt winning 3 in 22 before he left and numerous other runs of SHITE.

The thing with OAF is the sum of his parts/results generally scrapes him through.

He's not the motivator people think, quite the opposite, he's a cunt and I can't wait till his media mates are in a quandary about whether to slag him off or not.

Literally every manager in the PL has cast aspersions on him or got one over on him at some point, that would have fed to their players.

Lazy appointment.

jfk 3:00 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
Allardyce got paid 12 million quidish by West Ham via me/ us he was crap,couldn't handle getting found out and copped he's ear at us.?
Says it all,the upper east even srarted to turn,a suicidal move by any professional in any game.
This appointment will be a disaster.

:^) 2:43 Sat Jul 23
Re: New England Manager?
Yeah righto. You remember your truth.

I haven't got an agenda at all. He could be fucking awful for England and I'd have no problem pointing to his flaws and mistakes.

I'm just not bent up in anger about his time here building a stepping stone to getting Bilic.

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